Getting Rid of Credit Card Debt During COVID-19 Era

Getting Rid of Credit Card Debt During COVID-19 Era

Life is cyclical - finance especially. One of the greatest challenges while pedaling through cycles is staying out of debt while managing through dry seasons. Having multiple streams of income will help. Also, keeping credit card debt out of the equation is huge - crucial - critical - choose whichever dramatic word to make the point. Credit card debt is aweful. Eliminating it is one of the best climbs in the world! Here's some info we've found helpful: DAVE RAMSEY APPROACH How Can I Get Rid of My Debt Without Using Debt Reduction Programs? We’re so glad you asked! You can ditch your debt yourself by following the 7 Baby Steps. Step 1: Start an Emergency Fund The first step in Dave Ramsey's 7 step plan is, "Save $1,000 for Your Starter Emergency Fund." One of the main reasons people struggle with money is because necessary emergency expenses (like medical bills, car bills, or home repairs) come out of nowhere and drag you deeper and deeper...
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The Arduous Journey

The Arduous Journey

So I should love someone who misunderstands me? Criticizes me? Will not hear me? Puts me down? Belittles me? Hurts me? Abuses me? Crushes me, my family, those I am responsible to care for and love? THE ANSWER: “For this is the original message we heard: We should love each other.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭MSG‬‬ Living and loving as Christ did goes against human nature to exact revenge against someone who does the things I first mentioned. I can only trust God to help me make it through this trial. How will He? When will He? Why won't it happen? I must trust Him. It looks like I may lose all on earth. Is this the plan? All lost on earth and gaining eternal life is better for me; but what about those I am responsible for on earth - sorting and dealing with this is the tough task. I can only trust God to help me handle it wisely. It challenges human reason. Pushes me...
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