Responding To Legal Action Against You

Responding To Legal Action Against You

There are five steps to respond to a lawsuit. 1. Gather information 2. Respond to what is said about you 3. Tell your story 4. Generate your response 5. File the response with the court and send a copy to the lawyer suing you ============================================ Nobody wants to get sued for a debt. It's stressful and can feel really scary to think about trying to respond on your own. Chances are, hiring an attorney to help you out is off the table, because if you had money to pay an attorney you could have just paid off your debt in the first place! As it stands, you've probably already been working as hard as you can to make ends meet. So to have a lawsuit looming in front of you on top of all of your regular challenges can understandably feel overwhelming. In fact, it may feel really tempting to just ignore it and hope it goes away. This is exactly what the party filing the lawsuit (or...
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Getting Rid of Credit Card Debt During COVID-19 Era

Getting Rid of Credit Card Debt During COVID-19 Era

Life is cyclical - finance especially. One of the greatest challenges while pedaling through cycles is staying out of debt while managing through dry seasons. Having multiple streams of income will help. Also, keeping credit card debt out of the equation is huge - crucial - critical - choose whichever dramatic word to make the point. Credit card debt is aweful. Eliminating it is one of the best climbs in the world! Here's some info we've found helpful: DAVE RAMSEY APPROACH How Can I Get Rid of My Debt Without Using Debt Reduction Programs? We’re so glad you asked! You can ditch your debt yourself by following the 7 Baby Steps. Step 1: Start an Emergency Fund The first step in Dave Ramsey's 7 step plan is, "Save $1,000 for Your Starter Emergency Fund." One of the main reasons people struggle with money is because necessary emergency expenses (like medical bills, car bills, or home repairs) come out of nowhere and drag you deeper and deeper...
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