ODD, ADHD and Parenting
ODD and ADHD are closely related. Parenting cab be challenging and requires a lot of understanding and patience. What are ways to deal when your child or teen are angry, defiant and upset?
ADDITUDE magazine suggests the following:
Children with ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder take defiant behavior to the extreme. When traditional discipline methods don’t work, what do you do?
Children with oppositional defiant disorder are blatantly disobedient, disrespectful, and confrontational.
Standard discipline doesn’t work. Instead, follow these strategies for how to discipline a child with oppositional defiant disorder:
1. Treat before you punish.
Never discipline your child for behaviors that are symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. Opposition and defiance are sometimes neurological — not intentional. Once your treatment plan has impulsivity under control, you will know which acts are punishable.
2. Exercise away hostility.
A potent tonic for the brain is exercise. It promotes healthy brain function and helps children control aggression.
3. Know your child’s patterns.
Note when and where your child’s anger flares. Documentation...