Is Scala a More Efficient Programming Language?

Is Scala a More Efficient Programming Language?

Recently I've heard more mention of Scala in programming realms that it could become a better standard for programming languages.  It seems they are gaining popularity. According to their website, Twitter, LinkedIn and Intel are using Scala with their systems. It's goal is to create a more efficient programming language. Comparison to other programming languages "Scala is statically typed, while both Groovy and Clojure are dynamically typed. This makes the type system more complex and difficult to understand but allows almost all type errors to be caught at compile-time and can result in significantly faster execution. "  via Wikipedia History The programming language name is a blend of the words "scalable" and "language". Martin Odersky began developing Scala in 2001.  The first version of Scala was introduced to the public in 2004. The second version released in 2006. The current version is 2.11.8. Watch Marconi Lanna's 2015 review of Scala Click here to visit the Scala website and learn more. Click here to read more at Wikipedia....
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Nike Pro Skills

Nike Pro Skills is helping youth grow to not only become better basketball players. They are providing the opportunity to become better citizens. Today I had the privilege of meeting Josh Feemster who is a Nike Pro Skills coach in Dallas. He shared that another aspect of Nike Pro Skills is their mission to help youth in Haiti. They make it possible for boys to come to the U.S. with the prospect of building a better life through basketball. Visit the website to learn more. Follow them on Twitter teamproskills...
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Adventure of Goodness

Adventure of Goodness

Goodness. It is a daily pursuit. It is not a state of living perfectly - none of us can do that. We can do our best to excel at living "good" however. Look for opportunities to serve those around me Listen to those who would like to share a success or struggle Give from resources I have been blessed with Comfort those who are hurting Encourage those pursuing similar paths and goals Highlight the unique talents and skills you see in others Do you want more adventure in your life? Pursue to do good every day!  ...
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Pour Les Femmes

Pour Les Femmes

See how Pour Les Femmes, Robin Wright and Karen Fowler have grown their social cause and product line in the latest Selfridges & Co. video. Pour Les Femmes is a socially conscious sleepwear company created by Actress/Activist Robin Wright and longtime friend and Designer Karen Fowler. The company was founded to make a product that they love that symbolizes comfort and security and at the same time helps women around the globe. Click here to visit their website....
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Bono and Eugene Peterson

Bono and Eugene Peterson

Bono. Is there anyone who isn't aware of Bono and U2? Would anyone turn down an invitation to meet with him? Apparently so. And until today, I'd not heard of Eugene Peterson. I had heard of one of his works though, The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language. I watched the Fuller Studios story Bono and Eugene Peterson: The Psalms with the inspiring story of Bono and Eugene Peterson. Experience their conversation. "Why do we need art? Why do we need the lyric poetry of the Psalms? Because the only way we can approach God is if we are honest through metaphor, through symbol. So art becomes essential, not decorative. I would love if this conversation would inspire people who are writing these beautiful voices and writing these beautiful gospel songs - write a song about their bad marriage. Write a song about how their pissed off at the government. Because that's what God wants from you - the truth. Weigh the truth....
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Jeff Skoll Group

Jeff Skoll Group

Participant Media,, The Skoll Foundation, The Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship and The Skoll Global Threats Fund are philanthropic and commercial enterprises of Jeff Skoll. Click here to visit the website and learn more about The Skoll Group. Jeff Skoll is leading social entrepreneurship in the the world. Watch the video: Click here to learn more about Jeff Skoll....
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The video below is one of my favorite guitar solos Prince performed. It was at the 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductions during the George Harrison tribute performing the song, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, with Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynee and others. Prince was one of the first "pop" Telecaster guitar players I saw and heard as a kid. He commanded whichever part he was playing and his musical hooks/riffs were genius. I need to study more of his works. Click here to read the report from the Star Tribune regarding his death. His creative talent will be greatly remembered and missed here on earth. Rest in peace, Prince Rogers Nelson. The music he created between June 7, 1958 and April 21, 2016 was amazing....
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Will It Go Round in Circles?

Will It Go Round in Circles?

Back in February, GoPro announced that their spherical rig was beginning to launch. Six synchronized GoPro cameras capturing 8k video. As the 2016 NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) began earlier this week, GoPro reveiled that the Omni is now available. Also, they launched Android and iOS apps for a new VR platform. Get it on pre-order for $4,999.99. Watch their video below: Here's the info from their website. The all-inclusive Omni rig includes: *Six cameras act as one: Interact with the primary camera in the array to configure settings or initiate the start/stop of recording for all six cameras. *The proven image quality of the HERO4 Black…times six: Produce high-res images that virtual reality viewers will notice. Omni may also be used for “over capture”; capture at 8K and extract an HD deliverable. *Optimized workflow: capture using Omni, use GoPro Omni Importer for preview, data management and rendering, fine tune the content in Kolor Autopano® Video, then proof the content in GoPro VR player and publish it to the...
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