My first animation-Vote For Judge Bo Lumpkin(animation)
I just started playing with some new animation software. I have a project I’m working on but as a quick exercise I wanted to do a animation with lip syncing. My web buddy and fellow wanna-be cartoonist Bo Lumpkin(as if that’s his real name, it isn’t actually) does some funny cartoons and videos. i decided to take one of his old videos and his character and animate it. It was fairly easy once all the components were draw. Drawing 10 different mouths shapes took a while. I use Anime Studios Debut and I liked it a lot and recommend everyone at least try the free trial that is interested in animation. The only complaint I have is there was no built in tool to make the video web ready. It took longer finding a way to reduce the file size of the default sizes. Anyway I hope to do more of these as well. Like I said the Bo Lumpkin, , really lends itself well to this kind of animation.
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