Finding a Medicaid Behavioral Health Center in Texas

Finding a Medicaid Behavioral Health Center in Texas

If Behavioral Health Centers in Texas were as Medicaid friendly as they are LGBTQ friendly, the lives of special needs parents using Medicaid would be much easier to manage presently. God bless us everyone for acceptance and understanding of different lifestyle choices. At the same time, since our private insurance ended last year, we’ve found several places that seem to be really great fits for our son and family needs. They are even listed as accepting Medicaid. However after talking with them we find out they are no longer accepting Medicaid. #mentalhealth #specialneeds #medicaid #behavioralhealth...
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The Best Leaders

The Best Leaders

The best leaders, employers, directors and managers I’ve served found a way every time to work through differences - opinions, perspectives, lack of awareness., personalities, faults, failures, genders, etc.... Not pacifying or demanding perfection - finding balance for what’s best and showing respect. Avoiding polarizing career stereotypes and there familiarity. Willing to trust your proven performance and talent. I am amazed at how they balanced so many different types of people and skillsets to achieve the goal and find success. At the same time I’m amazed how poor leaders were allowed to do what they do. When I’ve lost that type of great leadership in my life, I thank God when I’m able to gravitate back toward it. Stay focused and do what is right - let the bad ones go - be a light sparking others and shining a reflection of a greater Light! ❤️ #truth #leadership #leaders #upline chaltonhiott...
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SSL Error Using MyList Video Player for YouTube Playlist on WordPress Site

SSL Error Using MyList Video Player for YouTube Playlist on WordPress Site

If you are receiving a mixed content SSL error for your Wordpress website - specifically that the YouTube thumbnails are using http instead of https - then make sure to check the JS file for your MyList Video Player plugin. On line 195 there is a URL for the YouTube video thumbnail, which has http listed instead of https. Add the "s" and you'll be ready to go as far as the YouTube video thumbnails. Screenshot below: ...
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ODD, ADHD and Parenting

ODD, ADHD and Parenting

ODD and ADHD are closely related. Parenting cab be challenging and requires a lot of understanding and patience. What are ways to deal when your child or teen are angry, defiant and upset? ADDITUDE magazine suggests the following: Children with ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder take defiant behavior to the extreme. When traditional discipline methods don’t work, what do you do? Children with oppositional defiant disorder are blatantly disobedient, disrespectful, and confrontational. Standard discipline doesn’t work. Instead, follow these strategies for how to discipline a child with oppositional defiant disorder: 1. Treat before you punish. Never discipline your child for behaviors that are symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. Opposition and defiance are sometimes neurological — not intentional. Once your treatment plan has impulsivity under control, you will know which acts are punishable. 2. Exercise away hostility. A potent tonic for the brain is exercise. It promotes healthy brain function and helps children control aggression. 3. Know your child’s patterns. Note when and where your child’s anger flares. Documentation...
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What Are Medicaid Waivers?

What Are Medicaid Waivers?

We are presently struggling to navigate through Medicaid Waivers in the State of Texas for our son (intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, DMDD - dysruptive mood disregulation disorder). We've been working for the YES (Youth Empowerment Services) Waiver with MHMR in Denton, Texas since April 2018 and are still waiting for services to begin. We were on the waiting list for a while. Then we were accepted to see if we are eligible - that process is taking months. There is a discrepancy with his IQ which is another story. WHAT ARE MEDICAID WAIVERS? Medicaid Waivers help provide services to people who would otherwise be in a nursing home or hospital to receive long-term care in the community. Although there are waivers for many conditions, our focus is towards waivers for people who have intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, and autism. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF WAIVERS? There are several types of waivers: Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS): gives home and community-based supports to...
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